All types of media in one gallery & responsive
A unique way of using a slideshow





Important thing about the Title & Description widget is the category name. The category name must be entered exactly as it is entered in the category widget in this case WORK


There are two copies of the Title & Description widget one for the title and one for the description.

The one for the description has a different position number so it stays under the title in the thumbnails.


The Font, Font  color, Font size, and everything related to font is defined in Muse by using the text panel. You can select the title or the description panel and change it in the text panel.


Also the opacity for the descriptions is 50% which is defined from the top menu (while the widget was selected) where the opacity can be changed for any other object.



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U botanické zahrady 6

Olomouc 77900






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This is a widget to place the thumbnails in the gallery, and link them to their specific page.

In this case, the pages are at this same project, so we only have the name of the pages and .html





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Close the menu bars before preview/publish. That way you can make sure that they will not block the content on other pages.

To close, select the menu and uncheck the option that says: "Show lightbox parts while editing" .

To edit the menu bars again, you can check the same option and the submenus will show up.



Remember too keep the QUICK ACCESS, LANGUAGE and LOCATION BAR closed, before you preview/publish.

You can click on the bars to edit the content inside the expandable menus, and when you are done you can click again on the bars to close them.